Remember my post on
Dec 28, 2010
I chose the word revive.
This was my word to live by for this year.
And I feel I accomplished the true meaning of the word. I am free of the depression drug Lexapro. 3 almost 4 months of zero use. Yea. I still have minor side affect of what they call brain zaps. it is a springing noise from one ear to the other. And mild vertigo when walking. I had no knowledge before trying to stop that there was side affects. There should be a big warning on all drugs . Giving people full disclosure of things like this. I still would like to know if this is permanent damage.
Your body has to learn to accept your own natural serotonin. This was my biggest challenge .
I also accomplished finding myself. As in acceptance of who I am and how I perceived my life. The words choice and acceptance played a big roll in the freedom of self realization. I found when you take charge of your reality and look at it with new eyes, you can overcome most any thing.
I found freedom of the past through forgiveness. I found unconditional love is a gift. That not every one is capable or willing to participate in. So I have learned to accept this as a fact and forgive my self for thinking that they should be able to love. And I will learn to love them any way.
But I also have learned to help till the point of knowing I am wasting my time. I learned some people like to be the victim of there life's story. And enjoy others trying to help them. But they are unwilling to chose to learn to let go and learn to be happy. I have learned many life lessons this year. And I am grateful for each and every one.
I now have 10 days left to find a word for 2012.
Wow this is a challenge to top this years word.
Any suggestions ? And what will your word be ?
Have a wonderful day and remember to laugh and play.