
Friday, December 16, 2011


 This is my latest creation. It started with an abstract back ground. And I added to it to create this. The only words that come to mind is imagination.
    I have been slack on words lately. But creativity has kept me busy. I am going to let the grand kids make ornaments for there parents as a project on Christmas day. We did dough art a few years ago, and they really enjoyed it.  I have also knitted a scarf. I am not a knitter, so it was the only thing I could make. I normally crochet most items.
   Today the weather is cold again. And I have bronchitis and ear pain. I am on antibiotics. So will be well again soon. I hope.  I am off to sleep soon. So I will close for now.

Have a wonderful day and remember to laugh and play.Photobucket


greekwitch said...

It is really beautiful!I am going to light a gold candle so you can heal faster. Rest now. I missed you a lot. You can try my healing potion if you have the herbs. It really helped me a lot!
Be blessed my love! Talk to you soon!

Zaroga said...

Love your creativety! I hope you feel better soon.

angela said...

love the pic! Hope your feeling better soon. Look afteryourself Grammy.

Ramesh Sood said...

This is lovely picture Grammy... great work.. but then that's what you have been doing.. you will get well soon and be back with your writing also.. the kind of pictures and writes you create, they fill a person with energy... With such postive energy flowing your nester is not empty.. so the world 'Empty' appears a bit contrasting.. WHAT DO YOU SAY?... RS :)

peppylady (Dora) said...

Interesting! I believe it could be use for a art discussion group.

Sorry haven't stop in recently and the coffee is on.

Carla said...

Hello friend, I have missed you bunches. Hope you are staying warm and feeling better soon!! (love your new page)