
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Willow meets her older babys (Chicks)

Oct 23, 2015 Willow hatched her egg 3 days early. She turned out to be a good mom to this black and white or grey baby, She has seen the other 4 from afar. I was afraid to let her near. Because she ran across the room and pecked the oldest (Fedora) in the head. She did not want it around.
But today she was Ok, with them outside the baby gates. I put one in she was ok. But they were not to get in her nest. So in a bit of time. I hope she will like them all.
 This is Yokie he is the one I hatched from an egg May 31, 2015. He is the dad to this last one. And maybe the white ones. He is all wet from being out in the rain today. Soon I will have to decide on what little ones to let go of. I know I can not keep the ones related to him. I know some people do. But I do not wish to do so myself.
 The tall dark one to the left is the oldest (Fedora) The other dark one (Parker)
 One of these will be called Dusty, the other?
 The new baby in the video
Have a wonderful day and remember to laugh and play.Photobucket