In my town in Missouri, This would be a weed garden.
Because you will find these along the highway growing freely.
This is a native prairie garden with a twist.
I bought these plants and they are not quite the same as the native ones.
Because you will find these along the highway growing freely.
This is a native prairie garden with a twist.
I bought these plants and they are not quite the same as the native ones.

A cross between a Trumpet lily and an Oriental lily
Reaches up 3-4' the first year and up to 6-8' after 3 years.

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. - George Bernard Shaw
Very beautiful. That lily gets quite large!
Such beautiful flowers sweetie.
Such beautiful flowers you have growing in your yard!
It's so hard to pick a favorite. You've got some beautiful blossoms this week. Love the shasta daisy with the hitch-hiker!
I love the native flowers because they are so easy to care for, and for the most part, pretty pest resistant. But SOME of them have really short bloom times. Your flowers look great.
HI Grammy, I love your flowers. Anything which brings color into the yard is a GOOD thing!!!
That first photo is my fav. Echinacea is so pretty. Love all of the asiatics and daylilys too.
Weed is in the eye of the beholder! Loving these blooms, AND the Lilies-wow:) Have a great day E!!!!
If those in Missouri consider those beautiful flowers a "weed garden" I would so love to see what a real garden looks like! Beautiful photos, Sue
I like your weeds! I can see why the last lily is your favorite. So striking.
Beautiful weed garden! I love both your lilies, I haven't seen them before. Everything looks like it is doing well this season. Happy Tuesday! Jean
Your "weeds" are beautiful. Love those plants. They are so hardy. Your garden is beautiful! ~~Rhonda
Your garden is just lovely. I really like the look of the cone flowers and shasta daisies!
Wow your flowers are beautiful!! Cone flowers are one of my favorites-but they dont' grow wild here-wish they did : )
This is a beautiful 'weed' garden. You have some gorgeous blooms.
Love your natives! My hubby has a yard full of natives - prairie and woodland. We love our wild garden, especially when the false sunflowers, prairie dock, cone flowers, and cup plant (to name a few) are tall enough to provide a nature screen between us and the neighbors! Happy 4th!
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