I do not know if it is the weather change or the book Since the chapter on truth.
I have been changing in my thoughts. And finding it hard to be happy.
I have not wrote much just been doing art and not much more. I do not even have much to say to those who may call..
I found with this weeks chapter of the book.
It asked for us to list things we hate about people we dislike. And try to make some of it part of our life. I refuse to be unkind, mean. dishonest and unloving. I spent most of my life trying to understand my Mother.
All I can do is feel sorry for her loss. As she pushes every one away.
She gives no love so in turn she receives no love.
I see we are to analyze them, to understand where they come from. But I will not add there behavior to my life.
This book has brought out my suppressed negative side. That I got from her.
And I do not like being this way. SO!
I will not be doing any more posts for the book,
The joy dietThis book is not for me.
I will so miss all the wonderful people.
But I feel out of control, like the witch I painted.
I need to take control and find some thing to look forward to. That will help me get through this winter.
When I started telling my self the truth, it became an issue. That I can not find a way out of. There is no joy in that.
The creativity chapter is a wash. And I am up to treats. And I think I will close this book and look for another.
I am sorry this is a negative post. But I had to tell the truth.
I need happy thoughts. And friends who really care.

Best wishes to all.