I get up to go into the kitchen to get more coffee. When I return to the living room to sit down. I suddenly see movement on the floor. I think to my self Oh, my prince has a rived. :) I catch the frog and move it to a better place to take a photo. I giggle and Think. I should write my own faerie tail. Should I kiss the frog. No, I am not that desperate for a kiss. My cat Reba is on the back of my chair just watching me photograph the frog. I am so amazed she is not interested in catching it. Could it be she has already tried frog legs and do not like them. Or is it she has no interest in a prince either.
Have a wonderful day and remember to laugh and play.

just checking..
I have been trying to leave a comment and keep failing! I do not know if it is a blogger thing or a connection problem from my end! Anyway...
The frog is really cute! I believe that frogs are very magical creatures, animals of wisdom and power. I think it is a really good sign he came for a visit!
You have a very sweet cat, mine tear down the house every time they spot a fly!
Your grandmom sounds like an amazing woman. I find it really sad when family traditions disappear. But despite the fact that your mom was not interested you grew into your destined heritage, and become a wirtch non theless. Karma has its ways!
I hope you get that comment...
Brightest blessings.
Frog's Wisdom Includes:
* Reminder of common bonds with all life
* Singer of songs that celebrate the most ancient watery beginnings
* Transformation
* Cleansing
* Understanding emotions
* Rebirth
did you hear the story of the frog that asked the princess to kiss him and break the spell. He said if she did they would marry and she could cook and clean for him and raise his children and be together for the rest of their lives. The princes thought about this and pick him up and took him back to the palace with her, and that night she dines on frogs legs. cook and clean who the hell did he think he was!
now thats a happy ending.
This is a delightful post. Thanks for sharing.
All the best, Boonie
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