
Monday, May 11, 2015

Growing potatoes

This looks like the year of the potato for me. I almost have all of my potatoes planted. But I am behind on many of the other things. I can only do a little per a day. Some day's have been too much rain or too cold. Weather has started out crazy again this year.  Today it is a cool  60F/15c. And the other day it was a whopping 90f/32c. I was melting. But I better get back out and get some more things in the ground. Hope you enjoy my videos.
Part 2

Part 3
Have a wonderful day and remember to laugh and play.Photobucket


angela said...

You can never have to many potatoes. Weather is crazy here too. Mother Nature must of forgotten to take her meds I think lol enjoy your gardening

peppylady (Dora) said...

Don't think we doing potatoes this year. Just resently started cucumbers seeds in pot.

Coffee is on

Wendy said...

Yup, you;ll have a good crop! Thanks for the videos. So nice to see.
I find it awkward to do FB and blogging. Not enough time, but you seem to do both!