This looks like the year of the potato for me. I almost have all of my potatoes planted. But I am behind on many of the other things. I can only do a little per a day. Some day's have been too much rain or too cold. Weather has started out crazy again this year. Today it is a cool 60F/15c. And the other day it was a whopping 90f/32c. I was melting. But I better get back out and get some more things in the ground. Hope you enjoy my videos.
Part 2
Part 3

You can never have to many potatoes. Weather is crazy here too. Mother Nature must of forgotten to take her meds I think lol enjoy your gardening
Don't think we doing potatoes this year. Just resently started cucumbers seeds in pot.
Coffee is on
Yup, you;ll have a good crop! Thanks for the videos. So nice to see.
I find it awkward to do FB and blogging. Not enough time, but you seem to do both!
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