They are so much fun to watch. I have to give the 2 back soon.
But Fedora will not be alone. Tomorrow, or any minute now. 4 eggs may hatch.
I hope they come out well and happy. The 2nd egg 2 days after, Fedora.Only peeped a hole in the shell. I thought the father to the chicks was a standard white silkie. But it is possible a larger rooster got to Willow. That could explain why the chicks are too big for the shell.
Soon Willows eggs will contain Yokies baby's. He is a frizzle. He is so sweet. He is always near her. When she has an egg he stand by her or cuddles up like he is going to help her sit on an egg.
Willow has no interest in hatching or sitting on an egg. She is not broody.And does not want to be with the new chicks.She will look at them That is about it.
I now wonder why the person picked, Willow to be sold. All I can do is assume, she is not a mom type of bird. Or egg issues. Maybe Willows egg size is too small. I don't know.But I hope all goes well.
You may ask, Why I am hatching the eggs?
I can not bring myself to put the egg in the fridge knowing there is life inside.
Have a wonderful day and remember to laugh and play.