
Saturday, September 26, 2015

What I did to help the chick with Splay or spraddle leg condition

 Day one.Sept 20. This chick was a bit big for the egg. So that may be the reason for it's condition. The sibling to this one peeped on the 22 and did not make it out of the shell. It was too big for the egg. But in the video below. I will tell you other reasons this condition can happen. And show you how I helped it.
Partridge silkie chick
 I did not get photos of the first brace. It is in the video below.
This is the 22 of Sept I had him in lighter weight braces for his or her legs.
 The 23 of Sept. I had to remove the braces , It was running and tripping with them on.I named it Fedora. I gave Fedora a teddy bear and sprinkled some food on it. So It started eating a bit more. Still not using pooing but a little once a day. .
 The 24th of Sept. Fedora loves the bear. I take it outside to get sun at least 10-15 min a day. Fedora is getting stronger and has just a little issue with the right hip. But it doing very well walking.
 The 25th. 2 eggs hatch at my daughters. She brings them over. Fedora is so surprised to see them. Fedora, starts eating and scratching her feet on the ground. There is still a little slipping of the left hip. But, S/he had her first normal poo.So looks like this is going to be a normal chick. :)
I am so thrilled and happy. :)
 Here is a video of day 1
 Day 2 and 3

Have a wonderful day and remember to laugh and play.Photobucket


greekwitch said...

Oh these are great news!!!

carol l mckenna said...

What a magical post and photos ~ birth never ceases to amaze me ~ such love!

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol

Andrea said...

You are so kind to the animals. My mother once opened an egg which the mother didn't hatch. She thought it is a bad egg, but suddenly there was still an immature chick inside not opened prematurely. She improvised an incubator by putting warm water to bottles, put them in two sides with towels. The chick was still very weak and very wet, so mother dried it. In 2-3 days they saw improvement, eventually now it is already as big and strong as the normal siblings.