What happened.
On January 14, of 2008 I woke to what I thought was a heart attack. Jan 23, I failed a stress test. It was so bad I will never have another one. Feb 4, I failed a lung function test. Feb 5, I had a cardiac cath. Results were I had the best looking heart the doctor ever saw. March 28 I had a MRI. To finally find the answer to Jan 14, event. I have copd and allergy induced asthma. I also had a panic attack.
Now for the Bucket list
When I was in St. Charles for the cardiac cath. I watched the movie on my daughters computer. Here is a link to the movie if you never saw it. (
Bucket list) This movie was heart felt, warm and funny and you need a box of kneenex for the end.
After the inspiration from this movie I decided to make my own list. I went home and ordered high speed. This was the start of me being here today. I watched movie after movie till I was well enough to try to do some thing. I went to
http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/interview-with-top-5-free-movie-tv-shows-sites/ And watched movies from there links to free movie sites . I love movies from
Then I created a yahoo 360 page. And this is what I wrote.
I have learned life is to short to live in the past. Or sit on the couch and wait for the end.
Friend and family, pets and wild life. are to be cherished.
A sunset, sitting on the bank of a river, taking a drive to see nature. Are simple things. But can be breath taking. They will teach you to be at peace. Lesson contentment.
The simple joy of watching your cat play, the birds fly, or watching the squirrels throw nuts at the cat. Can make your problems leave your mind.
The joy of waving at or smiling & saying hi to a stranger can make both your days better.
An act of kindness. simple thank you, words have great meaning.
Ernie's Bucket list.
I am going to learn to be happy if it kills me!
I am going to learn to enjoy life every day!
I am going to be thankful for every thing I have left, and learn to let go of all that I have lost!
I'm going to get Jerry to get off the couch and We are going to learn how to have fun!
I'm going to see the ocean.
I'm going to start telling my kids I love them more often, We always say it to the grand kids but some times don't realize even though they are grown they still need a reminder that we care about them too.
Stop by myspace page to on yahoo
and see all the fun I am having there.
This was the start of me finding friends on line.
Then came this blog
This has helped me to live each day with at least one thing I did to make my life happy.
I have become photo happy.
Thanks to the tax refund this year I purchased my new camera a Sony A 200 DSLR. Now I can take digital photos like my Minolta or Cannon slr did and Not get mad the the camera was so slow I would miss my photo with the Nikon cool pix. This also uses all my lenses from the Minolta because Sony bought them out.
I have won the battle of Worry, fear & Depression.
But it is still capable of coming back at any time.
As I am fighting the winter blues as we speak.
I now have some of my family close so now I am not alone in the world.
I have made my hubby do a few things this year to get out of the house and have fun.
I am very happy I have a roof over my head and food to eat.
I did not get to see the Ocean. We were going to Alabama to see one of my daughters friends growing up. But she moved back to St. Louis.
I tell my kids as much as I can How they are loved.
So I completed 4 of 5 on my list and accomplished more that did not have on my list.
On Jan 1 2009 I will post my new bucket list.
If you decide to do one to let me know.
So I am very thankful for this wonderful year.
I am also thankful for the
Thankful thursday MEME as It reminds me to recall all I am thankful for.