Well I was able to see him in person. He is now 30 miles away from me. This was quite an adventure though. I asked hubby to take me. And he agreed. This was very much a gift to me. As he and the oldest grandson sat in the parking lot. They waited for 2 hours for me to return.
I have never been on an adventure like this before. You walk in the door. You show your Id and then you are scanned head to toe. Even the bottom of your shoe. I then pressed a button on the wall to enter a hall way. I had to show Id to another person up high behind glass. And had my hand scanned. Then push a button again. You go though a long fenced in narrow walk way. A guard was walking beside me in his own fenced in area. There were horizontal walk ways to my left filled with barb wire. It was quite allot to see. yet, I could not take in the full view.
I had to ring yet 3 more buttons and open 3 more door. My hand was again scanned and Id put in the computer. I then was buzzed into the visiting room.
I was sent to window #?. There was only a stainless steal stool with no back to sit upon. So I sat down and waited for a long time. I looked at the glass like a mirror to see what was behind me. I was very nervous. My worry was I had no support for my back. This could lead to me not being able to walk. But I am thankful to say. I made it through. And my only issue was my pants were a bit loose And I had to keep pulling them up as I walked my way back through the maze of doors and fence.
I left there with the amazing feeling of love. This child has been through so much in his 22 years. Yet his spirit is so beautiful. He is an amazing person. He spends his life in prayer. His hope is, that one day will be able to help youth to not have to walk in his foot steps.
30 miles = 48.28032 kilometers
Have a wonderful day and remember to laugh and play.

I'm glad you got to see him. I'm sure your love and attention makes the difference for him. I hope you had a good visit.
Thank you Jean, it was a wonderful visit. I hope to have more. And wish I could express how deeply I feel about hum. And wish he did not have to suffer so much.
I am so happy you got to spend time with him. Sounds like he is on the right path now, and will be as asset the world.
You are an amazing person.
bless you
He sounds like he has a lot of support and that he will yet make a difference in his life and others.
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