I have been watching videos and searching the web on diabetic info.
It seems to swing from high protein heart attack meals. to veggie juicing , vegan way of life. I have learned you can reverse with diet and exercise.
So I made hubby watch 2 videos. This utube one has all except the end of the 2nd on in 1 video. This was enough good info to explain how diabetics works in your body, and an example of what could be in the future if you do not take care of your self.
I laid it all out to hubby. :"I can not be the food police!" He has to learn to make good choices. It is his life. All I can do is tell him what I learned. And he has to decide if he is going to exercise more. And stay away from all packaged and prepared food and drink. Eat only fresh or frozen veggies and meat. My self I am already programed to small amounts of meat. Where he eats bigger amounts.
I saw a video on a 24-36 hour fast. drinking water only. It made sense. It was said you get the biggest benefit in the first 24-36 hours. The more I thought about it. I thought it would be like a reboot. Shock our system into working right again. That is the same ideal of the guy from Aussie who did the movie on juicing. But his was a 11-30 day juice fast. followed by a vegan diet.
So what to do?
Have a wonderful day and remember to laugh and play.