I have been silent for a while now. both here and at home. Some times it is best to say nothing..
I started some seed for my garden. It looks like spring will be here soon. I love that time of year. When all is new and refreshed. The birds are singing and frogs are well not whispering. lol
There are a number of issues I am working on. I need to find peace in my heart. Silence for my brain. In the past I have done well at over coming issues.
But I have some I never though I would encounter.
I have made a stand, and will stick by what I believe is right for me.
Not every one agrees with it. but I am putting my need for self preservation first this time.
I am doing what is best for every one.
I still have many things to work out and thoughts to process. But I am not ready to share the details yet. Life is so full of hills to climb. and I have a mountain to blow up right now. I am looking for a way around it. As I am afraid if I climb it. I may jump off at the top. There may be a cliff for me to land on. Or I may continue falling for years. Decisions are hard to make in some respects. As there is a chance to make things worse. So for now. I sit silent and Analiese. Like in a chess game. I do not want to make the wrong move. I have come so far in letting go of life problems. As they are temporary. But some are not so quick to dissipate.
Have a wonderful day and remember to laugh and play.