I so hope you do not mind me sharing this here.
Please do not allow this story to bring you down, Or feel sorry for me. As this is temporary and will go away.
I share this in hope of helping my self and others.
When a situation is shared, like what I went through with my daughter the other day.
chose to let what is happening in her life affect my life.
I thought I released it in the art work I did.
I vented to a friend and my other daughter.
But I let her negative situation hurt me. I have so little energy today.
I am trying to recover from shingles. This is the worst thing that has happen to me.
As it was so many days of sleep18-20 hours a day. pain and itch.
I think my amune system is not working.
But this is all a result of letting problems become my life. Rather than separate my life from the problem.
I was getting very good at just listening to my daughter.
And realizing it was not my life, but hers.
But that Mother instinct is stronger than me. When some one is hurting your child. you want to take control, protect them, etc.
The result is all the negative energy has damaged me. I was not strong enough physically to handle it.
It is only been 2 years of mental recovery for me. Working on regaining my mental health. I am very strong mentally now. But physical health is very hard to recover from.
I wish I had learned many years ago to deal with problems. To understand they are all temporary. And will go away. . I let worry. fear, morning, pre assumptions, control my life. They basically destroyed my life.
But this story has a good ending. I will recover. I will not let this hurt me any more.
You have to think positive to be positive.
You have to replace all negative thoughts, with gratitude.
Every day I look for something to be grateful for. .I can receive feeling of bliss from a beautiful sun set.
My goal for next year is bliss. with every thing and every one.
As this year I found joy, laughter, and happiness. with life.
Thank you for letting me share my heart here today.
Have a wonderful day and remember to laugh and play.