This is part of my journey to find my family.
Of all the people in the world
My Aunt in Wv is my most special friend.
I am very thankful she has been apart of my life the last 10 Years.
From day one some time back in the 1980's.
She treated me like family from the moment we met, and showed me what true kindness was.
She like
Mrs D. are from the old world. My Aunt will do any thing in her power to help any one, . She is the best country cook in the world. In this picture you will see Her to the right and me and 2 of her 8 kids.
The baby is my youngest grandson, Cullen he is now 3 years old.

This picture is missing her head but it shows her with her fathers bible

One day she showed it to me and told me about my grandparents. How when I was born they wanted to adopt me. But it did not work out. His bible was full of treasures. Like this old check from the bank of heaven.

He was a coal miner and had to pay for his own supplies like
Dynamite Etc. There are records of his cost and letters to and from his kids and this old pay check from 1948. I just noticed he has no income tax state or federal, I wonder if they had to pay it then?

She showed me a hamper full of her moms cloths and told me all about the family I never knew.
She gave me old pictures to make copy's of as I was doing the family tree research at the time. And she also gave me a glass bead necklace that was her moms. I was not there to get any thing material from her. I was there because I love her and want to spend any amount of time I can get with her. She has showed me unconditional love, as I to her. She told me story's of Her life and how dearly she loves her kids. She gave birth to all of them at home except the last 2.
You may wonder why I feel so much for her. I was raised an unwanted child. In a house with my real Mom who did not want me. My Step dad was the reason I am in Mo. He told me in the year 2001. That when he married my Mom in 1964. That he said to her it was not right to leave me in Wv with my Grandma. Who loved me dearly. He only this year has seen a bit of how I am treated. Sorry. This is to be a good post. Forgive me.
But you kinda get the ideal why she is so important & wonderful for me to have family who love me back.
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