I wish people would let me live in peace at my home.
My life has been so full of trauma and drama, I do not know how much more I can take. The father of one of grandson's decided to try legally kidnapping Cullen today. He still has possession of the child but he made sure to destroy my life. He not only called dfs. But the city inspector. We are in no danger for having kids here. But the inspector. Has decided if we do not let him in to do a complete inspection of our home, He is just going to condemn our house. And have it torn down. I called an attorney and he has no knowledge of how to deal with this other than cooperate with them. He said it would cost me more than my house is worth to fight them.
So I have to find a way of not being raped by the government again.I fought them in St. Louis and won. Thanks to me. Breckenridge hills, can no longer enter your home and inspect with out a warrant.This was an area and still is one that did not require occupancy permits. Now I have to submit to inspection.Or loose my home. This is why so many senior citizens are displaced and put in nursing homes. Because some one can come in and disrupt there life. All I have are uncompleted repairs. I need dry wall in the living room. And this in no way endangers the life of any one. But he can come in and wants to inspect every thing. There are not many homes up to boca codes. This is the house paw kettle watched his kids build.
So I have a choice of moving or submission.
I am to the point of walking away. I now know why so many with Ptsd are homeless. No one can tell you how to live in your card board box.
I have made plenty of jokes today to maintain my sanity. I said I an going to stand on a street corner with a sign saying homeless thanks to Eldon. Or ????? I have many things that I can not put in print. But I am so tired of lack of freedom. This is America right! Lets evict every one in a log cabin for not having dry wall.
Arrest every one who don't mow there grass. I do mow mine. But there is a law in the town I use to live in. That if you mow your grass and it hits the street there is a $500.00 fine. People get paid to make rules. And we elect them to punish us. I am sick and tired of control.
I moved here and got permits for the electric and roof. That was all that was required of me.
I feel like renting a back hoe. And pushing my house over. I feel VIOLATED BEYOND REPAIR.
At least in St. Louis I had access to competent legal help.Here no one ever had to fight city hall before. So no one has the experience. Or they are there lawyer already.
I feel like where is habitat for humanity.
Where is the home make over show .
Where is any one who helps the helpless.
Thank you for listing to me vent.
I wish I could live in peace, free of problems.
Have a wonderful day and remember to laugh and play.

I didn't know they could do something like that to people. Sending hugs and prayers your way and hoping for a good outcome...take care sweetpea..;j
Sometimes it just feels like life is one huge battle. I pray that you have the strenghth to fight the good fight and WIN!
You know you will always have me in your corner. dont forget you can always go to the media they will help you.
I'm so sorry this is happening. Keep the faith and keep your courage. I am sending you prayers and hopes for positive outcome and some peace for you.
As Grammy wishes, so I wish for her also.
Holy cow! I can not believe everything you are going through. May all the chaos settle down and leave you in peace in your home.
I wish for you to have peace and so much more. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.
I'll send you positive energy and courage to deal with this. As Grammy wishes for herself, I wish for her also.
I'm not quite sure if I got this right. The father of your grandson has taken him away??? And they want to inspect YOUR house now? I can't believe it.
I really hope everything is going to be fine for you and your family and that you'll win this fight.
As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you as well.
Thanks for your comment and yes you understand it right. He look him and played the child abuse thing. And it did not work. Family services are not involved now. But the city inspector. Is after me. To let him in my home. Or he will condemn. I am so unbelievable sad and mad. But I do not want to play the victim and let his destroy me. I will walk away. Other wise I could loose my mind.
Good luck to you. It sounds like you're in a really tough situation right now.
I wish for you love, peace, resolution and freedom...all that you wish for yourself I wish for you also. xxx
As Grammy wishes, so I wish for her also.
May you find the peace you deserve.
I'm so sorry for what you're going through. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.
Sometimes I really hate social services and social workers... I had to submit to inspections and visitations when my ex's GIRLFRIEND abused her power as a social worker! And I didn't OWN the place so being inspected was horrible thinking that because of something my landlord didn't do correctly I might lose my kids...
I can't believe that the father isn't being charged with abduction (another thing I'm dealing with with my boyfriend's daughters having been abducted in the US)!!
As Grammy wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well...
Unbelievable. Some people are just a**holes. I send you loads of energy and strenght!
Oh my goodness glory girl, you'd think in America we had some rights. I'm so sorry this is happenin' to you. Even if you could beat the system the price of a lawyer is highway robbery too.
I just pray that everything works out for you sweetie. Sendin' big old Hillybilly hugs your way.
God bless and the best of luck to you!
As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you! Peace.
Grammy - *TOTALLY* holding you and yours in a big ol' bouncy ball of protection and sending healing/lifting energies. Hold Tight Love♥ For all the peace Grammy desires for both herself and her home, so too do I wish for Grammy's life to be free from worry because of the harmful, misguided actions of others. AHO! Mitaquiasin (All My Relations) ♥ Big Love Grammy♥
I wish a peaceful home for you as well! x
I wish a peaceful home for you as well! x
Sending hugs...
As you wish this for yourself, I WISH THIS FOR YOU AS WELL.
What a heartbreaking story! As I can do nothing else for you from where I am, I send love and light and healing for everyone involved in this situation.
As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you.
Oh my gosh, I am sending my thoughts and prayers to you. As you wish for yourself I wish for you too. Take care.
Praying for you and your family.
I know you are tough with all that you have been through, love and truth will prevail. Hang in there Ernie, all the best.
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