
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What do I want ?

I am on the email list from
Lou Tice of The Pacific Institute
His email for 1/30/09 - was titled "What Do You Want?"

He asked the question " Do you know what you want for yourself?"
He said, "some people seem happy and successful, inside. But they feel unfulfilled, or in a rut of sort". Mouse on Wheel Pictures, Images and Photos
I know, I have never found out what I want to be when I grow up. LOL
I find I do still have hopes and dreams. But I do not peruse most of what I want because I have never really decided what I want ! What will make me happy ? Most my life it has been preparing for what may come in the future. Like a psychic or seer. I some how knew we had to prepare for loss. I knew in the year 2000 we had to find this place in the country. I knew it would either be my hubby's health or his job would fail. But I had no ideal it would be both at near the same time.

So I found this house and it was a total rehab. We spent many a week end and weeks in the winters from 2001 to 2005 working on it. We had the money from our first house we sold. To purchase and rehab . We have a bit over $20,000 in it. and still need about 5+/- to complete it. I have been blessed with with the ability to use money wisely and can some how find a way to survive. I also had the ability to do the work needed to rehab.
I now live in the moment. But find I still need a goal to live for.

The point of the email is to make a list of your wants then decide what you want the most and set a goal to achieve it.

What will make you happy?
I know my kids and friends. make me happy. Simple thing bring joy to my heart. But what is true happiness?
What do you want to do?
I want to feel alive and well.
What would you like to see?
The world.
Where would you like to go?
To see the ocean.
What do you want in your life?
To make a difference. help, live a happy fulfilled life. companionship. Communication.
True friends or many that really don't care ? Only true friends.
Do you need to let go of control or do you need to control more of your life?
Don't know!
What is truly important?
Still working on this one.
I can say love and family. A roof over your head food to eat.

We are busy in the blue room!!! Pictures, Images and Photos
This is not meant to be a me me post. As I have always put the need of others over my own needs. It is just time to find out what my needs are. These are hard questions. Do you know what your wants are?

Time to get off the tread mill and get on with life.

treadmil exercise sport fitness Pictures, Images and Photosbitch on treadmil Pictures, Images and Photostreadmil exercise fitness sports Pictures, Images and Photos


Marsha said...

So many people get tangled up in the race they don't realize they've entered the wrong race.
Very thought provoking post.

Thank you for your prayers for my granddaughter Savannah.

I see we have new grandbabies due around the same time! Savannah will be having a baby bother or sister somewhere around July 24.

Blessings to you this day.

Gigi Ann said...

As we mature over the years, our wants change many times. Right now I'm very satisfied with my life and I think most of my wants have been fulfilled. I enjoyed the post today, it made me think, maybe I'm to satisfied. Could that be?

I am going to be a gramma again in May. My granddaughter and her husband are expecting a little girl. Actually, that will be my fourth great-grandchild.

Have a fabulous Tuesday!

Rita T. said...

Running a race is SO hard, but so worth it in the end. The reward at the end of the road is what we need to focus upon. Thanks for the great post!

You may have already received this in the past, but I'm giving you the Lemonade Award because I think your blog is uplifting. Stop by my blog for the logo and rules.

Denise said...

Such a wonderful post.

Carla said...

makes me think of a hamster running its wheel, going no where...
I loved your answers! You can't get what you want, or appreciate what you have if you don't see it.
I can honestly say, IF I let him, God feels me to the top. I want to live in that all the time. Appreciating, enjoying, sharing, loving. Always stepping, maybe just babystepping, but always stepping forward (or recognizing sliding and stopping before I get off in the deep darkness)
Love to you in your journey!!!

George said...

Thanks for a very thoughtful post. Too many of us have no idea what true happiness is.

Zaroga said...

Very thought provoking, Grammy.

Wendy said...

Most of my answers are like yours. Family and friends are high up on the list. And the ocean. That pulls me. And gardening. After that - its all o.k.

white_lilly said...

Very thought provoking Ernie and I think many people today are changing or lessening their needs/wants due to the global situation. Life has become too complicated and I think many are going back to basics and enjoying the simple things in life.If we centre our life around God he will provide all that we need.

I love your funny little clips you put on your blog I haven't ventured there yet :)

playsdolls said...

This was an eye opening post for me,I have not decided what I want to be when I grow up,there are so many things I want out f live.I can say the most important things are my family and keeping them safe and healthy.Thank you for writing this post.