
Thursday, February 18, 2010

I am back

What a trip.
I am so surprised that Texas did not see my license plate was from Mo. And shoot me for bringing all the snow to the Dallas area of Texas. We baraly made it out of there.
Snow and Ice all the way to Arkansas. This was last or Thursday. We made a stop at Carla's. And she is so wonderful. I so enjoyed our visit. We made it to little rock Arkansas. And spent the night in a hotel. By friday night we made it to Mo. I am still Tired. As Sat we spent the night in St, Louis.
The newest photo of Jozlyn
PhotobucketHave a wonderful day and remember to laugh and play.Photobucket


Jill said...

welcome home - what a cutie

angela said...

welcome home.

Gail said...

Welcome home, I look forward to hearing all about your trip.

Wendy said...

Glad you're back safe and sound. Hope all is well with your friend.

Cute pic of Jozelyn! She's growing fast.

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi E.
questa tua piccola nipote è veramente graziosa :-)
Felice sabato !!!

Fire Byrd said...

What a sweetiepie!
We've got snow again here today, did you drive back via the north of England?

Mark said...

Sooooooooooo glad you are back safe and sound.

Gigi Ann said...

I'm glad to hear you made it home in one piece, and you are safe in your own little corner of the world.

The young one is a darling, so cute.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I'm just thrilled ya'll got three and back safely. That little Jozlyn is a heartbreaker, she's just precious!!!

God bless and have yourself the best day!!

Carla said...

Thank you SO much for stopping by!! Maybe next time the weather won't be so bad:) Our electricity went off Thurs night for quite a while. By Sat the sun came up and all the white was gone:)
SO glad you two got home safely:)
Love ya bunches,

Nola said...

Sorry I missed you when you were in Texas! We had our "blizzard" and the hubby had the flu. Hope you come back when the weather is nice and we can get together. Glad you made it back safely.