The race is on Scotty jr will loose his title of youngest grand kid.
But will it be him who will be replaces as youngest boy
But will it be him who will be replaces as youngest boy

Or will Jozlyn loose her title as the only girl.

You guessed it.
A new baby.
Amy is due on Halloween.
So we may have an enchanted grandchild.
Or Amy may have to share her birthday on Now 1 with a new baby.
What a birthday present. LOL
I hope to be blogging again soon.
I have been buried in farmville at face book, since my return from Texas.
That trip hit home for me.
To loose a spouse is traumatic.
There is so much in common with my friend as far as her last few years with her hubby.
But I am so thankful that my life was completely diffrent than the one she had.
No one has a perfect life.
But I can now look back and feel blessed.

I just hold onto the words.... Grief is the price we pay for love, and that gets me through.
And now there are booties to be knitted, does anyone knit booties anymore?
congrates on the new babe. A faerie child!
Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. Yes sometimes a little silence is exactly what we need. Take as much time as you kneed and give your hubby lots of hug. Cyber hugs to you and your lovely family.
Congratulations!!! Babies are divine!!!
Hi Grammy,found you through earthmama,thought Id drop by and say "hello"
Another grandbaby on the way !!!
Im so happy for you :0)
Ill be back to read more,
Troppo bello questo bimbo !!!!
I'm glad you came away from your trip with some peace of mind and feeling blessed. Lots of people are on facebook. I usually keep up with my grandkids there, but just to look at the pics.
Congrats on the new baby-to-be! I did not know Amy's birthday was Nov. 1. So is mine!!! I will be 59 this year - yikes!!!
Keep us posted.
A new baby is a blessing. A Halloween birthday would be so magical.....
Sounds as if your trip gave you a special gift.
Woohoo, Congratulations. A new baby with that new baby scent. I'm so jealous but what the heck am I sayin'??? I've already been blessed with eight!
Have a great day filled with sweet blessings from above!!!
Congratulations on the news of a new grandchild on the way! Hope you get back to writing again soon. Your voice is missed.
Hey Grammy - where are you??? We miss you. Come back soon.
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