I received an invite from my friend L on face book . It was to join a group called" I Grew Up In Or Had Friends In St. Ann MO (Saint Ann MO)"
There is not as many people as the one from the Overland area where I lived.
But I do know people from there. And Shopped in this area most of my adult life.
I went threw the photos and found the 2 on the left below. As I thought they were great. Who would have thought. traveling dinosaurs in 1964.

The art on the right side is something I did yesterday with my art rage painting program.
Today the best thing was the sun was shining. That in its self was bliss. We have a heat wave of 12 degrees for the high.
Or temps have been on low digits to -7 degrees. With lots of snow. Hubby finally got the truck to start again. He brought the battery in and charged it.
Melinda and I have been having fun learning from each other on my new healing art site at ning. There are 4 members now. And we are thinking about doing a deck of me group. When you get prompts each week and collage a playing card to represent it. She put up some wonderful examples of what she did on her page there.
If you get time stop in an take a look.
I also found this video. It made me laugh and it reminded me of how me and hubby handled our disagreements during our life time together. We were never ones for fighting.
Glance from Andy Holtin on Vimeo.
I received the books I ordered too. So I am ready to learn more.
My inner critic needs to be fed. And I need to learn more on controlling it.
It is such bliss to know you can stop worry and control how you deal with every thing. I have not written any more on my online book below. I think I will only write and post it once a week. It is such freedom to let the past trauma out and know that you care for me so. Your comments are very heart felt and healing.
I thank you all so much.
So I wish you all a beautiful day.
Have a wonderful day and remember to laugh and play.

Hey Grammy. I love you attitude.. I love your blog.
Betty Ann
I am glad things are going well for you, Grammy. You're inner strength and tenacity are showing. Never give up - that's your motto! And a good one too.
I think my computer problems are finally over. And the message for me is to "slow down". I thought it might be communication of some kind, but now I think I need to slow down - so I will. I will check out all your wonderful new activities and take my time learning and visiting.
Love and Light
I have been having fun with you too Grammy! Love this art you did today...I have never been to that mall yet!
It is wonderful to share your learning experience with us. You are helping me while helping yourself. Thanks
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